
Op-ed: NJ must support at-risk youth as they begin to transition into adulthood

July 18, 2024

“Our work in New Jersey builds on a foundation of success, following similar initiatives led by First Place for Youth in California. Through My First Place, we are helping current and former foster youth ages 18-23, or “older foster youth,” identify and achieve educational goals that will put them on the path to college or employment. We also provide financial literacy tutoring and, most importantly, fully subsidized housing throughout this process.” Read the full op-ed by VOA-GNY Assistant Vice President for Northern New Jersey, Paula Turso, in New Jersey Herald.

Op-Ed: The fight for housing justice and equality for Pride Month

June 27, 2024

LGBTQ+ adults are more than twice as likely to report experiencing homelessness at some point in their lives, as compared to the general population. In the New York City shelter system, well-documented challenges around lack of privacy and safety are especially acute where the LGBTQ+ community is concerned. In particular, transgender individuals are more likely to choose to live in public spaces such as streets and subways rather than navigate a system where most shelters are divided by gender binary. “The sparse options for LGBTQ+ individuals experiencing homelessness is an urgent challenge, but there are models that illuminate the path…

Op-Ed: March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

March 25, 2024

New York City Council Majority Leader Amanda Farías writes about the link between traumatic brain injuries and domestic violence, urging City Hall to pass legislation to increase public awareness of TBIs in domestic violence survivors.

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