Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee
Mission Statement
To ensure that Volunteers of America-Greater New York welcomes diversity, advocates for equity, and achieves inclusion for all regardless of gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, ableness, race, culture/ethnicity, or religion.
Volunteers of America-Greater New York relentlessly strives to encourage, support, and celebrate the diverse voices of its employees. In doing so, we create a positive work environment where everyone feels and is valued, supported, and able to do their best work.
All VOA-GNY staff members who applied for the DEI Committee were asked to share why they wanted to join the committee and what they could uniquely bring to the experience. We had an enthusiastic response and thirteen individuals were ultimately selected to join the committee. The selection process was conducted by the committee co-chairs, facilitator, our VP of Human Resources, and President & CEO. Committee members were selected by evaluating the strength of their applications, diversity of backgrounds and viewpoints, tenure at VOA-GNY, program sectors and positions. Here they are in alphabetical order:

Dominique Bain
“I would like to be a part of our organization’s DEI initiative because it will present me with the opportunity to add the voice of not only a young black male but also a black immigrant. Additionally, being a member of the DEI group will allow me to learn from existing members of the group so that I am able to pass-on what I learn to those I have immediate contact with… My presence will offer the group a very authentic point of view of how diversity policies are interpreted. This is because I immigrated to NYC at a very young age and lived in many underprivileged neighborhoods that lacked any diversity and was predominantly dominated by African American and Latino populations. On the other hand for both my bachelor’s and masters degree’s I attended universities that were predominantly filled with middle-class white American populations. Being in these situations taught me a lot about the human experience with diversity and how it feels to be ostracized and accepted from both perspectives.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2020

Asante Bell-Springer
Residential Services Manager
“Being part of the DEI committee has allowed me to feel that not only I could offer my experience working with clients and staff in past and present programs, but that I could also learn more about the organization while being a part of an important movement. I understand that the committee strives to make everyone feel welcomed and accepted and I believe that at least for my program, I can be that voice. I have my own personal experiences being a person of color and experienced moments in my life where I felt that I was wrongly judged despite staying on a good path. As a committee member, [my goal is] to at least assist in making sure another person, regardless of their personal experiences, has their side heard.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2021

Charlotte Copeland
Social Worker
“Joining our voices together to collaborate, plan, understand the needs of others, and ensure inclusion and diversity in the workplace is crucial for productivity and stability. Though my time at VOA-GNY has not been extensive, I have listened to the client’s comments concerning the turnover rate among case managers as well as social workers. When I hear of such concern and frustration in the voices of the clients, I wonder what can be done to provide the clients and the workers with the stability needed. We serve a community of individuals who lack stability and consistency; therefore, inconsistency affects their behavior and hinders the service we provide. I am looking forward to being a part of this committee to assist in revamping, restructuring, and recreating a strong, diverse, and inclusive workplace that would benefit the employees as well as the people we serve. I believe my social work skills will be an asset to the committee.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2023

Rudilania Gil
associate program director, schwartz shelter
“I obtained my master’s degree in Criminal Justice at Monroe College… My experience working at Schwartz Assessment Shelter [has] allow[ed] me to [grow] as [an] individual. Also, [it has] helped me to have a bigger vision of people[’s] needs. I do not hesitate to help staff members go through the learning process. I am very interested in continuing [to work] with the agency at another level. I believe that my work experience in the Homeless Sector and passion, education, and outgoing personality, makes me a strong candidate for… the committee.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2014

Kerryann Kelly
Case Manager, dove house
“I would like to build a good relationship with the VOA-GNY community outside of Dove House and bring in great ideas that I have gathered over the years. I have dedicated the first part of my life to my girls and parents, and I am now ready to dedicate the second half of my life to God and my community. I have great organizational skills and have previously served in the church of my children’s school as Vice President of the Parent Teachers Association (PTA). I have also served on the Student Leadership Team (SLT) board and elected principals and staff for the Board of Education. Now that I am a part of the DEI committee, I want to learn to work with fellow employees as a team, and believe that I can advocate for my workplace, VOA, and the wonderful people that work for this company.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2019

Carolyn Koch-Mandelbaum
Speech Pathologist
“I grew up in Tennessee and was the only observant Jew in my school. I come from a family that is quite diverse, comprised of members of different religions, races and backgrounds. I have children who are neurodivergent. I was raised to understand the importance of respecting and representing all so [that] everyone is comfortable [with] being true to oneself. Growing up, most of my peers had never met a person like me, [leading me to feel] the pressure of representing my people. When I graduated high school, I came to New York and joined the masses. It felt good to be anonymous. However, over time, I’ve come to realize the importance of stepping up and speaking out [loud]. It’s the only way for others to understand your perspective, and I think that is an important thing I will be bringing into the DEI committee.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2016

Fabienne Larnoudji-Mbaitelem
Client Care Worker
“When people with different perspectives come together, share ideas, and ask each other questions, they can come up with more than one way of executing a plan, solving a problem, or developing an idea. In addition to [developing solutions] at an [efficient] pace, by being a part of this committee, I plan to make my voice count to bring ideas [upon] serving a diverse community.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2023

Dinelle Polchinski
Director of Residential Services
“I am a first-generation Asian American cisgender female. While it is a typical way that someone like me [would] describe themselves, it doesn’t tell the whole story. For example, the term “first generation” has changed over the years, which I believe I am now considered “second generation”; basically, my parents immigrated to the US and my sister, and I were born here. The fact that the definition of the term has changed over this period, reveals something about my age group and how that affects my view of the world. The fact that I am Filipino American adds another layer because while I identify as an Asian American, I have been told that Filipinos “aren’t really Asian.” I was also born and raised in NJ, which, on a regular basis, sets us apart from the rest of the US. However, as a part of VOA NNJ, the differences between NY and NJ have become even more apparent. I grew up in a predominantly white suburb in South Jersey. Although I am not blind to my privileges, I was made very aware at a young age of my differences from my peers. Equity, inclusion, and representation have always been important qualities to me. If you noticed my married surname, my children are half Asian and half white. The value and lessons of recognizing privileges, and limitations, and how they shape them are what we have tried teaching them since birth. Representation matters in all forms. I believe as a member of the DEI committee, I can bring not only my passion for all three [qualities], but a unique lens in which I view the world and how VOA-GNY can promote change. I can bring in knowledge of the current events in NJ and the changes that we need in our policies and practices.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2023

Kirk Royster
Associate Program Director, Wales Avenue Residence
“When I learned of the vacancies in the DEI committee, I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to make an impact not only in Wales, but also at other VOA programs. Being a committee member enables me to contribute to a project on a larger scale as an advocate for staff or potential employees who may feel marginalized or underrepresented. As a clinical social worker, I am trained to analyze and provide people insight on multiple perspectives and experiences. I have worked with a range of people from clients in therapy to creating macro-level subway homeless policies and procedures with the MTA, NYPD and the Mayor’s Office. Lastly, I have experience working on a committee created by a professional organization. Since 2021, I have been a member of the Association of Social Work Board’s Examination Committee. The committee meets four times a year to review each exam question before it is included as a pretest item on the licensing exams. The members are selected from among the item writers trained to write questions for the exams. My appointment requires me to give and accept constructive criticism, appreciate diverse perspectives, participate in group discussions and work in a consensus model of decision-making.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2023

Pamela Evans-Sheppard
Case Manager
“As a present DEI committee member, I look forward to being a part of the positive changes made at VOA-GNY. With nearly 40 years of experience in the non-profit sector, I would serve as a great asset to VOA-GNY, as I am able to bring a diverse range of skills to the table. During my time with the DEI committee, I am interested in continuing learning and growing in the new landscape that is emerging today.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2023

Alvaro Salas
“Diversity and inclusion should be part of our daily life. I’m a Latino multilingual person who [has] lived and worked in four different continents. I [have] worked with youth, seniors, immigrants, and LGBTQ communities which [have] provided me with an understanding of the need for inclusion and empathy for all.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2011

Donna Stweart
Real Estate Expeditor
“As a millennial born on the cusp of tradition and innovation, I believe that my views, input, willingness to work, interpersonal skills and [desire] to see change, are qualities that are an asset to any team. For a company to not only exist but thrive in ever changing times, [it] must be able to adapt and change as well. I wish to see a change in some of the ‘not so positive’ culture present throughout VOA-GNY. I am passionate about ensuring that every client and employee feels represented… or, at the very least, feel[s] comfortable that all of their needs/rights… are met.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2019

Nkomo Vaughn
Case Manager
“As a DEI committee member, I [look forward] to expanding my understanding of and immersing myself in a diverse community. I would also like to offer new ideas to enhance the organization [at VOA] through my life experiences, knowledge of working as a Front Desk Monitor, and as a present Case Manager.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2020

Jonita Wooten-Michel
Director of Social Workers/Client Care Coordinators
“I believe in treating people with dignity and respect, as we all are human. In addition, we should make things equitable for everyone at Volunteers of America-Greater New York. As a DEI committee member, I will actively share my opinions, listen to others, and value their differences. “Selfless service alone gives the needed strength and courage to awaken the sleeping humanity in one’s heart.”-Sai Baba, has shaped my thinking on being a better person and helper in today’s ever-changing society. I believe that as a part of this committee, other Social Workers and I at VOA-GNY would no longer feel alone or feel as if they have no voice, as I would have the committee’s support and encouragement to diversify, include, and to assist others at VOA-GNY to feel the belonging we will have as a committee as a whole and for our agency. I believe I can bring the committee a fresh perspective as a newly hired worker (less than a year at VOA-GNY) [from] working with the DEI Committee at Self-help Community Services, Inc., where I was a committed participant from June 2020 to December 2022. We created sub-committees and groups where individuals felt as if they belonged, were no longer alone and felt heard in large agencies. I am very passionate about DEI work and believe I can commit to working to ensure and establish that everyone has a voice at VOA-GNY.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2022
Committee Co-Chairs & Facilitator

Vanessa Burton (Co-Chair)
“I’ve been an employee of VOA-GNY for 27 years and have held many positions within the organization. I’m currently the Sector Director for NYC Homeless and Community Support Services. Previously I was part of the NYC Emergency Housing and Shelter Services team, which serves hundreds of families experiencing homelessness each year. I’ve also been an agency trainer. I am currently a member of the NYC Department Homeless Services Social Worker Work Group, an initiative that helps phase in social workers into shelters.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 1993

Anddy Perdomo (Co-Chair)
“I became the VOA-GNY Director of Specialized Housing and Veteran Initiatives in 2012, after joining the organization as an Associate Program Director at a homeless residence. I helped develop the Patriot House program—a first-of-its-kind temporary housing program for veterans left homeless after hospitalization—and in 2014, expanded the program to a second location. In 2016, I led the Supportive Services for Veterans and their Families (SSVF) program to obtain a three-year accreditation from The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). I have worked for some of the city’s premier social services agencies, and managed workforce development, vocational, and employment services for people with disabilities and on public assistance. Before that, I was a vocational counselor, an academic advisor, financial assistant specialist, and career counselor for my undergraduate alma mater. I’ve served on the Mayor’s Office of Veterans Affairs, Women Veteran Advisory Board. Currently I’m a member of Bronx Community Board 3 and Chairperson for their Health and Human Services Committee. I’m a CARF Surveyor, a minister for VOA-GNY and an alumna of We Are the Bronx Fellowship, an executive training program for managers.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 2011

Kelly Ashley (Facilitator)
“I joined VOA as a Team Leader at Camp LaGuardia Men’s Shelter in Chester, NY and was promoted to Human Resource Manager in 2001. Six years later, following the closure of Camp LaGuardia, I became Associate Program Director of Grasslands Homeless Shelter in Valhalla, NY. I eventually returned to HR when I accepted the position of Human Resource Manager for Sector 4 in 2007. My current role as Director of Learning and Performance, which I began in 2017, gives me an opportunity to meet and welcome every new hire that joins VOA-GNY—something I enjoy. Part of my responsibility, and that of the department, is to ensure each employee has an understanding of the culture at VOA-GNY, including our Shared Values. Diversity has been one of our Shared Values since 1995, but now, we need to take a deeper look to ensure our policies, procedures and day to day operations are equal for all. I look forward to serving as a facilitator for the DEI Committee. VOA-GNY and the people that choose to be part of this organization are very special, and I want to be able to help create a culture that honors and values each one of them.”
Joined VOA-GNY in 1999